Giveaway Link Up – April 7, 2014

giveaway link up

Welcome to the Got Giveaways? giveaway link up! Here are the current giveaways on this site – make sure you enter!

$250 Visa Gift Card – 2 Winners! 4/10

GlossyBox Giveaway 4/10 US

6 Fabulous Baby Items 4/11 US

Jewel Kade Necklace 4/14

$100 Target Gift Card 4/22

Earth Day Giveaway 4/22

$100 Toys R Us Gift Card 4/24

$50 Amazon Gift Card 4/26

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Hi! My name is Cady, and I’m the owner and editor of Got Giveaways?! I’m a former journalist turned SAHM to my daughter, Lucy, and part-time writer and virtual assistant for deal bloggers.

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